So I’ve lurked around the site and read 42 pages of the stop start thread but felt it best not to confuse the thread further with what could be a “characteristic”?
So my old eat6 derv would activate the stop start when stationary.. worked great and it was a joy to use
My new to me mk2 derv eat8 drives great but the stop start is annoying to the point of wanting to trade the car back in
The stop start will function before the car is stationary, it’s like the car thinks it’s stopped when it isn’t.
Pulling up to lights I try and feather the throttle to get a smooth “limousine” stop but instead it cuts the engine out once under 3mph (speedo never reads 1 or 2 mph) and causes a jolting stop.- not every time but way too often to seem “normal”
When in a car park at crawling speeds it makes it look like I cannot drive as the car jumps about as it’s trying to disengage the internal clutches etc (thinks it’s stopped)
The local dealership wants to charge me as there aren’t any fault codes or warning lights displayed and says this is a characteristic of the stop start.
Odd as the manual says it activates when stationary
It would be very disappointing if this is actually the characteristic
A great car apart from the above issue
I do realise I can shut off the stop start etc but if it’s fitted then I’d like it to work and work nicely?
Thanks for any advice and help
Ps does anyone know if the car uses all abs sensors for speed or just one? And if so which one so I can test it
Grandland eat8 derv stop start
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2024 12:07 pm
Contacted Vauxhall and they say this is normal.. can anyone confirm this please?
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